Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

Micah 6:8 He has showed you, oh man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Justice, mercy, and humility are a part of God’s attributes, which we have access by surrendering our heart and mind to the character and benevolence of God. Accepting these attributes is acessed through the Holy Spirit, our helper here on earth. We need God’s Spirit to help reveal these attitudes in our hearts because we suffer from carnality. Carnality is an umbrella term defining our ability to sin, to know evil, and be at enmity with God’s character.

 I might not feel like acting merciful and forgiving. I might not feel like being humble and taking the low road. I might want to just fight for myself and not show mercy, but I have the choice to act differently, feel differently, believe differently about people and situations. I can have a change of heart when I accept God’s love and forgiveness for others and myself. This opens up a potential to love and pursue justice, mercy, and humility.  

God made a way for humanity to understand and show love and peace to our families and friends. We can be just, merciful, and humble, even if we are in conflict. We can set our hearts on these qualities. We all have choices on how to treat others, and as much as we want our own ways, it is watered down with hurt, misjudgments, and error. God’s spirit though, redeems, perfects, reserrects our heart and mind to reflect God’s love. 

Loving justice, showing mercy, living humbly comes from a heart full of love, a heart that has been loved by God, and is loved enough to love others. Jesus, who is the Word, the manifestation of flesh, the teaching persona of God, and said,  said that all the laws and prophets hang on one command, “To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love others as yourself.” Christianity is not about the ten commandments, its about relationship, fellowship, and knowledge of God. The more we allow God to love us and validate our purpose, the more we reconcile our differences with others.

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